Thought Shifting

"What if You Could Receive Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions... Your Biggest Challenges... Right at Your Fingertips?  Direct Guidance... Access Your Own Personal 'Life Plan'... Or Even Receive Expert Business Consulting?... "

                                  Ragland, Thought Shifting(TM)


Dear friend, 

If you have made your way here, it's no accident.  There are no accidents!! ... 

  • Do you struggle with GETTING CLARITY with any circumstance?      
  • Have you ever wished you could just FIND OUT YOUR NEXT STEPS? 
  • Does it seem like something is standing IN YOUR WAY of success?  
  • Do you know there are things you should be doing but YOU AREN'T doing them?   
  • Do you long to MOVE FORWARD FASTER in your life, or business?  
  • Are you ready for unique EXPERT HELP to give you a Shortcut?


...I am amazed at everything you knew...

"Wow, I can't believe it.  This session left me breathless.  How did you know all that?  You saw things you couldn't have possibly known...  Thank you, thank you..."

~ Ingrid N.

You might be struggling with things I've helped others with, like: 

  • Money challenges 
  • Nagging fears or negative reactions 
  • ADD / ADHD, Bi-Polar, Depression 
  • Autism or Aspergers (I can even determine if you or your child are Autistic!) 
  • Addictions of all kinds 
  • Trauma, effects of childhood abuse, phobias, PTSD, OCD 
  • Nagging challenges such as business, relationships, weight, and just feeling frustrated or unfulfilled   
I can help you get to the bottom of all this... and so much more... so you can focus in the right direction...  

You may be saying to yourself: 

  • "I SHOULD know my own path..."  or 
  • "I SHOULD know my next steps..." or
  • "I SHOULD be able to trust my own guidance" or possibly
  • "I never have a clue..."  
  • Or yes, even "Pam, how can anyone possibly know this?"  

No one else may tell you this, but here is the real problem.  Unless you identify and solve the root cause of what "blocks" you, it can take decades longer to be free (if ever)...and you will struggle trying different methods with limited success. 

Imagine a target... there are many rings around the outside yet just a single bull's-eye.  Most people get stuck working in the outer "rings" because they don't know the secret... When you hit the bull's-eye you don't need to do as much work...  

If You're Ready, I Have Some Good News For You... 

I was gifted with the ability to "see" your real blocks.  To get to the "root cause".  I've always been like that.  It was a real asset when I did turnarounds for Fortune 100 companies.  And, it's an even greater asset now working with individuals to help you "shift" all this... 

But, not only that and quite a surprise to me, I am highly "intuitive".  This means I "just know stuff".  I didn't realize it for the longest time... and just like the wind, we know it exists but who can explain it?  I can't, really...  

But the good news is -- I know I can help you!  

How Did You Figure This Out?... 

One day about 1996, as a Managing Consultant for one of the "Big Four" worldwide consulting companies, I decided I needed to learn to "read people" better.  I read up on intuition, and I practiced.  Separately, I did my own "Quantum Thought Shifting™" work on myself.  (This helps you be more 'tuned in', although I didn't realize when I first started...)  

In retrospect I realized I had always been "intuitive"... it's just that like most of us, I'd forgotten...  I had been "told" it didn't exist... Or, if it did, it was "scary"... or even "Evil"!! 

But the truth is, even all major religious books (including the Bible) cite story after story of people seeing Angels, Visions, Dreams, and "receiving" guidance. The idea these things are "Evil" is just more Negative Conditioning (like nearly all the limiting thoughts we are exposed to...)

Over time, I started (q
uietly) helping people with things like:

  • What business opportunities could bring you the most money 
  • Which relationships are serving you (and which aren't) 
  • Next steps to be more on purpose & fulfilled 
  • How to improve your health, or lose weight
  • How to gain more energy
  • Where to focus time / money / resources
  • Which steps will help you feel happier... 
And so much more...

Just some of the ways I've "discovered" I can help you
(it's OK if you don't have a clue what most of these are... neither did I!!) 

  • Using my vast business experience (at all levels... even Intel quoted me!)
  • Using my own "intuition" (the "I just know")  
  • Accessing your "guides" 
  • Accessing your "Akashic Records" (these tell you what was planned before you came here... is that bad situation SUPPOSED to happen?) 
  • Asking my "guides" (did you know Angels and "Guides" are at different "levels"? I can access very high levels...)  
  • Helping you learn to advocate for yourself or your child legally... including special needs children....

Really, it's all just "intuition"... I'm like a spiritual "Jack of all trades"...

...You "knew" exactly what happened with my mom..

"Pam, you told me exactly what happened with my mom as a child, and I didn't say a thing. There is just NO WAY YOU COULD HAVE KNOWN that. You provided such clarity... I am ready to move forward thanks to you!!..."

~ Cindy S.,
Chicago, United States

I Helped People Quietly... THEN...

Using My Intuition I Found a Missing Child...

I found him in two hours when he had been missing four days.  I literally knew which way to look.  I trusted my intuition... That was unexpected.  Many major news stations ran the story, Inside Edition, People Magazine even called me... The cat was out of the bag.  I had been quietly helping people.  No more!!

"Pam, you're a NATURAL at this..."  people told me...

I began helping people and their answers just "came to me"... effortlessly.   And it's FUN!!!   

Fun and effortless are the only reasons I prefer to do anything.  So, I started holding "free calls/live videos" to help people just like you identify what is in your way. I've been doing those since 2008...  But, I have a backlog of thousands of questions I haven't been able to answer for people... 

I thought to myself,  "I wonder if some people would like to be sure I get to their question?"  

Then, I would just be out and about.  People would ask me a question, I'd give them the "answer" and they'd ask "Can I do a session with you?"  "Nope, I don't do that... only for my private Quantum Thought Shifting™ clients."  ... 

But then I thought about it.  I LOVE helping you this way.  I'm sooo good at it.  And, I get to the root of your issue really, really fast... Sure, I'm busy.  I'm a single mom with two kids.  I'm involved in my kid's lives. Before now, the only private access to me was to pay thousands of dollars, via my Quantum Thought Shifting™ program. 

I don't usually charge by time...  

In fact, I don't usually charge by the hour... there is so much more to what I normally do... So when I figured it out, the LEAST I charge for the lowest program with any time with me works out to easily THREE TIMES what I'm charging to do these sessions... (and being purely transparent, that's another reason my time doing them is strictly limited...)  

So not only is this a great opportunity -- it's also a GREAT DEAL for you!!  As more people learn about what I do, I don't honestly know how long I can do this... But for now, I am... 


So, I Opened Up Just a LITTLE Private Time in My Schedule... 

I am grateful to be able to help you in profound ways through both my natural ability to get to the root cause, (and my healing gift of Thought ShiftingTM which erases your bulls-eye blocks at their source... which I don't cover in these sessions...) 

When we meet, I'll answer your questions.  I'll also direct you to other resources, if they apply...  (remember... there ARE some things even I am not allowed to know, because it would "change the deal" for you...)   

No problem is too large or too small!  I realize there are more and more people who can benefit from my divine wisdom and insights.  I hope you'll take advantage of the opportunity to get your question answered... 

Here is how this works... it's really simple!   

  • Simply select how long you'd like (10, 15, or 25 minutes) ...
    remember I get to the root of your issue FAST!!  
  • When you choose "order now", you'll be taken immediately to a link to schedule your time with me (these slots are usually on Wednesdays) 
  • You'll also receive an email with instructions, what to do if you have any schedule changes, or there is no time left (don't worry... we'll get you scheduled, it may just take a little longer if so...)  
  • Then you'll call me at your appointment time.  It's so easy!!  

But HURRY!  Appointments Get Full FAST!  (I don't want you to have to wait too long...)     

I am grateful to be able to help you get more clarity and guidance, in profound ways...

Here is more of what past clients say:  

"Pam Ragland is an expert at uncovering your "bulls-eye blocks" by combining amazing intuition, expert coaching, and practical advice.  Just one of Pam's exceptionally accurate intuitive insights, combined with her unique talent for getting straight to the root cause of your sabotaging blocks, can be worth DECADES or even a LIFETIME of therapy, counseling, coaching, personal development programs, and much more to you..." 

When you know what holds you back, you are armed with the knowledge about what exactly you need to act on... so you will stop wasting time on the "outer rings" of your target!     

My clients have called my insights:

  • Amazing
  • Profound
  • Totally right on... 

and more... 

...I Am No Longer Skeptical...

"I thought Pam... used ...  some kind of "faith healing". Then, on a preview call Pam did an energetic process with the group. I IMMEDIATELY felt it. It was like taking Valium (without the side effects). The effect continued even after the call was done. I no longer doubted Pam's gift... Once I was s Quantum Thought ShiftingShifted, there was no question. Pam and her ability to change your life is for real!"

~ Marc Phillips,
Portland, Oregon

If you're tired of change taking so long, aren't sure what help would be best for you, or just want to speed up realizing your dreams--reserve time to receive my profound insights NOW!  I'll be honest about what it will take for you to get out of your own way... Giving you solid, timely, practical advice you can use RIGHT NOW... 

10 Minute "Laser"

I understand I'll receive:  
  • Get  to the bottom of the issue(s) of your choice...  
  • Receive guidance from one source, or multiple choices 
  • You can even connect with a deceased loved one!  
  • Receive next steps you can take action on (whenever possible...)  
  • IMMEDIATE schedule access (but hurry!!  Once they fill up, try back...) 
  • You will be amazed at what is covered so quickly!  
  • Receive benefits hundreds of people have already taken advantage of...NOW!!   

$97  $77.77/each  

**Limited time price!**

15 Min. "Moderate"

I understand I'll receive:  
  • Get  to the bottom of the issue(s) of your choice...  
  • Receive guidance from one source, or multiple choices 
  • You can even connect with a deceased loved one!  
  • Receive next steps you can take action on (whenever possible...)  
  • IMMEDIATE schedule access (but hurry!!  Once they fill up, try back...) 
  • Get even more than laser - but you will be amazed what we cover so quickly!  
  • Receive benefits hundreds of people have already taken advantage of...NOW!!  

$144  $114.00/each  

**Limited time price!**

25 Minute "Deep"

NEW!!  By request...
I understand I'll receive:  
  • Get  to the bottom of the issue(s) of your choice... 
  • Go deeper on one or more issues...  
  • Receive guidance from one source, or multiple choices 
  • You can even connect with a deceased loved one!
  • Receive next steps you can take action on (whenever possible...)  
  • IMMEDIATE schedule access (but hurry!!  Once they fill up, try back...)
  • Receive benefits hundreds of people have already taken advantage of...NOW!!  

$237  $187.97/each 

**Limited time price!**

Return Policy

I Understand Sessions are Limited and I Have To act FAST!

Uncover what's in your way in areas like:   

  • Why you aren't making the money you could (hint: it's not what you think!)
  • The real reason you haven't attracted the relationships you long for 
  • What really gets in the way of you having greater (or even massive) success
  • Why you may have health issues, or gain weight
  • The real reasons for ADD, compulsions, OCD, phobias, addictions, eating disorders+
  • And much, much more... 


If you could receive guidance on the biggest obstacle in your life, your greatest frustration preventing your true success, or what keeps you from achieving your grandest desire--what is that worth to you?


I Understand Sessions are Limited and I Have To act FAST!

I look forward to serving you!





P.S. FAQ - You may still have these questions...  

  • How do I schedule my appointment?  When you order, you choose your appointment FIRST.  Then, you will be taken to a checkout page.  If the appointments are full, check back.  I release appointments a little in advance.

  • Can I buy more than one appointment at once?  Because you choose your appointment first from a calendar, you can only do that one at a time.  You are free to return to this site and book another appointment any time, as long as there are appointments available...  

  • If there are no appointments when I order, what do I do?   Come back to this page, and check again.  I release appointments a little in advance.

  • If an emergency comes up, can I change my appointment?  Yes, you can!!  You have access to your own calendar, and a private email if you have any trouble changing it.  

  • If I change my mind, can I get a refund? You have 72 hours to change your mind.  So, yes--as long as you haven't had your session yet.  Just contact us using the email address you receive when you order.

Privacy Statement:  All information is kept 100% confidential.  We will not rent, trade, or release your name to any 3rd party EVER. We respect your e-mail privacy!!

© 2000-2023 - Pam Ragland / Aiming Higher. All rights reserved in all media forms.

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